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Getting a Tax Number

I’m not exactly sure what the equivalent of a “tax number” is in the US – it doesn’t seem as serious as a SSN, but you still need it for just about everything. Getting a… Read More »Getting a Tax Number

Travel day

I wish I’d taken pictures of all my bags piled onto the luggage carts at the airport, or even stacked up in the car, but I was too stressed to think about any of that. Plus, I was still recovering from what I suspect was the flu. I was waking up so congested that I barely felt like eating, and add to that the weird stomach feelings that come with anxiety…

Getting a Visa

Step one: get a visa. This should be a simple process, really. Since I’m going as a student, and surely Greece wants students to be paying their schools for international programs, as long as I… Read More »Getting a Visa